Saturday was a rather unplanned day. We were going to the home of 'Lawn Tennis' in the morning at 11:00 in the morning for a tour that would end at about 12:30 and then we would be able to get the best view in London by riding the London Eye, which was scheduled for 5:00 in the evening. Between these and after the London Eye, however, we weren't doing anything. After the morning routine, we took a metro to Wimbledon Park and walked to Wimbledon, reaching half an hour early. We entered, got a band from a receptionist showing we were part of the tour we had booked, and was told to look through the museum for a while till the tour started. We found a room with the original Wimbledon cups for singles and doubles (the winners were awarded with replicas). Then we went out for the tour. The man guiding us on the tour started with introducing himself and then describing the history of Wimbledon. A Major Wingfield had made a grass hourglass shaped tennis court in the late 1800s...